Atomic Number: 3
Relative Atomic Mass: 6.941

Lithium has a silvery appearence but quickly becomes covered by a film of black oxide when exposed to the air.

Lithium does not occur free in nature, but is found combined in small amounts in nearly all igneous rocks, and in the waters of mineral springs. The more important minerals which contain Lithium are Lepidolite, Spodumene, Petalite and Amblygonite. Large amounts of Spodumene are recovered form the brine lakes of California and Nevada, and from solid deposits found in North Carolina. Lithium metal is normally produce electrolytically from the fused chloride.

Lithium is used in many heat transfer applications, as it has the highest specific heat of any solid element. However, because it is corrosive, it requires special handling. It is used as an alloying agent, in the synthesis of organic compounds and has nuclear applications. It has a high electrochemical potential, and so is one of the most widely used battery anode material. It is also used in special glasses and ceramics.

Lithium chloride is one of the most hygroscopic compounds known, and is used in air conditioning and industrial drying systems, Lithium stearate is used as an all-purpose and high-temperature lubricant.

General Information
Lithium reacts with water, but not as vigorously as Sodium. It imparts a crimson colour to a flame, but when the metal burns stongly, the flame is a dazzling white.