Atomic Number: 79
Relative Atomic Mass: 196.97

Gold is a soft metal with a characteristic yellow colour and sheen.

Gold is found in nature free in veins and combined with alluvial deposits. About two thirds of the World's output comes from South Africa. Refining is usually by electrolysis, but Gold in ores is recovered by the smelting process.

Gold is used for coinage and is a standard for monetary systems in many countries. It is also used extensively in jewellery. The term Carat expresses the amount of Gold present in an alloy; 24 Carat is pure Gold, and most jewellery is 9 Carat Gold. Gold is used in dental work, and the isotope 198Au, with a half-life of 2.7 days, is used for treating Cancer. A Gold compound is used in certain cases to treat Arthritis. Another Gold compound is used in photography for toning the Silver image.

General Information
Gold has the highest malleability and ductility of any element. It is unaffected by air, water, all acids except Aqua Regis, and alkalis. It is a good conductor of heat and electricity. It is also a good reflector of infra-red radiation, and as it is inert makes an excellent coating for Space Satellites.